Why I Drive 85 Miles (Madison to Milwaukee) Every Month for MKE DMC

August 21, 2024
Lauren Keepers drives from Madison for MKE DMC every month. She explains why this Milwaukee marketing meetup beats working alone and is worth the drive.
Lauren Keepers
Finding your people at MKE DMC.
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Why I Drive 85 Miles (Madison to Milwaukee) Every Month for MKE DMC

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In a long, narrow Cream City brick office space, similar to a New York City railroad apartment, next to Smoke Shack, a local barbeque spot, and a short block’s walk from Milwaukee Public Market, sits a tucked-away nonprofit for marketers. Industrial, sun-soaked windows greet visitors with a golden haze of evening light. Mellow, familiar tunes, such as “Can’t Stop Your Lovin’” by Poolside featuring Panama, create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere that invites folks in. This place feels special. 💫

New connections

Around 5 p.m., marketers and solopreneurs based in and around Milwaukee arrive, some together and some alone. They fill red Solo cups with Spotted Cow, Sprecher Root Beer, or cold water bottles before engaging in impromptu conversations about creative projects, new growth opportunities, and trade secrets. The exchange of ideas offers a refreshing contrast to the fast-paced, urgent agency workday or the monotonous, structured corporate work week. Conversation flow freely, and the sense of genuine encouragement is shared by all. 

Exchanging stories at MKE DMC
New stories

As magic hour sets in, a conscientious expert, this month’s teacher, stands at the center of the room behind a nostalgic laminate podium, like one from a 1990s high school drama class. They were selected for their original ideas, genuine listening skills, and ability to help and problem-solve with a class of 40 to 50 students.  Everyone takes their seats situated in an orchestral U-shape around the teacher. Throughout the session, participants whiteboard ideas and share laughter over workplace challenges. This intimate classroom setup creates richer, organic connections and thoughtful collaboration—something  I think is rare in today's average workplace. It’s feel-good learning at its best.

This is why I drive from Madison to Milwaukee each month for MKE DMC.

Cold drinks

Editor's Note

MKE DMC is committed to creating a platform for local digital marketers to showcase their ideas, takes, and thoughts about community, connections, and digital marketing. Are you a regular attendee and want to contribute original content to the MKE DMC blog? Email us your pitch: hello[at]mkedmc.org!

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Why I Drive 85 Miles (Madison to Milwaukee) Every Month for MKE DMC

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About the author

Lauren Keepers

Lauren Keepers launches and scales search-based content programs for B2B and B2C brands that put humans first.

Lauren loves applying the art and research science to content marketing and helping people and brands simplify the way they get found organically. She also enjoys sharing tips and advice her marketing mentors have taught her and using those nuggets of wisdom to lead stakeholders and team members to lightbulb moments that inspire new ways of approaching top-to-bottom funnel creation.